Thursday 8 July 2010

What's your mantra?

Is an opposite of someone’s mantra a closer representation of their true character? Think about it next time you hear someone say to you that their mantra is to be cool, calm and collected.

Sunday 13 June 2010

Three things

If you were asked to mention three things that your friends then had to guess which one is false, what would you say? Would you name three places where you've made love, three famous people that you've met, or maybe something even more revealing.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Hanging on the telephone

It can be frustrating enough to be sat next to someone speaking loudly on their cell phone on the bus or train, but what really takes the biscuit is having someone talking loudly on the phone in the stall next to you whilst taking a natural break. Try a double flush, as it can always be a useful deterent.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Newly born couples

Do couples with a newly born only speak to other couples with a newly born? Well that’s certainly what you’d think if you too found yourself in a social situation where a collection of newly born couples formed themselves that way. Leaving the leftovers (a gay couple, single woman and straight couple without child) to form a circle of their own.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Man bag or handbag

Already there is mistrust in men wearing skinny jeans that are just that little bit too skinny. More importantly, when does a man bag become a handbag? Is it the shape of the corners, the size of the straps or maybe even the depth of the bag's body? Whatever it is, the inclusion of patent and shiny buckles may sway over your opinion.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Reformed alcoholic

Do you have to fall in love again when an alcoholic becomes a reformed alcoholic? Those who feel alcohol is important enough in ones life might say it is impossible to do so, as the person you originally fell in love with no longer exists. However, others may see it as a new lease of life to revitalise their relationship.

Monday 12 April 2010

Lady Ga-who?

If you're already quoting the phrase "once you kill a cow you've got to make a burger, Honey B", you're already a convert. But is Lady Gaga the Madonna of today, or is it all just an act?

Friday 9 April 2010

Just politics

With the impending election it has understandably all got a bit political. And with the media frenzy, we are likely to question our ties with the different parties.

Whilst appreciating having the right to vote, many of us cannot help but feel completely and utterly detatched from the topics of debate and the whole election process itself. Specially by what the politicians are or aren't saying.

Monday 5 April 2010

Men's socks

Socks and sandals are a definite no no. But should men's socks match their shoes or their trousers? Apparently it is their trousers, as by doing so it is suppose to elongate your leg when the sock is visible.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Intimidating shopping

London has seen hoodies being banned in shopping centres. And with the ongoing debate on burkas, those could be banned too.

But many of us find the shop assistant to be the most intimidating thing about shopping. Particularly when pounced upon as soon as the slightest bit of interest is shown.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

You know you best

Do people know you better than you know yourself? Possibly your spouse, partner, family, friends or maybe even your boss have a more subjective view of your personality and behavioural traits.

Don't get frustrated by assumptions made of you, because you can change and know yourself the best.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Neighbourhood community

Long gone are the days of asking your neighbour for a cup of sugar. These days you’re more likely to seek solace in the virtual world. Future forecasts suggest that each of us will on average be part of eight different online communities.

Is your main form of contact with you’re family members already through Farmville?

Monday 29 March 2010

In pursuit of happiness

Life in general, particularly city life, can sometimes feel like it is working against you. One way to turn this tide in your favour is to be happy. Easier said than done.

At the end of each day think of a few important moments, like someone holding a door for you, or not having to queue at the cashpoint, etc. Together these can add up and help you to be a happier person.

Sunday 28 March 2010

Reasons to leave a party

How many times have you found yourself in a situation with friends where you need to politely make your excuses and leave the party? I hear you recounting your past excuses; I'm not feeling very well, I've got Sunday dinner with my parents tomorrow, or maybe; I'm flying out on holiday, or even better; running a marathon. But have you ever heard the excuse; I've got to go because the groceries are being delievered?

Is this an acceptable excuse for you to use these days, or does this tip over your rudeness rictor scale?